IR Prep ESE Support Facilitator
A member of the Vero Beach High School class of 2012, Morgan was a 9th – 12th grade English and reading teacher at IR Prep and is now their ESE Support Facilitator. Her degree is in exceptional student education, and she began her teaching career teaching students struggling with communication.

Growing up, Morgan had friends who had troubles at home. Teachers stepped in to help them, ensuring they had what they needed when they couldn’t get it at home. These teachers first inspired Morgan’s desire to become a teacher as she knew she would be able to do the same for her students. She knew she wanted to help as many children as she could.
“Plus, there is nothing more satisfying than watching how happy a student becomes when he or she learns or achieves something never dreamed possible.”
Morgan requests supplies that bring hands-on activities to the classroom and enrich the learning experience.
To make a donation helping Morgan provide the best learning experience for her students, go to and send us an email at letting us know you would like to support Morgan.